Thursday, June 24, 2010

He Said She Said

"...and then he said, 'Will you marry me?' And then she said, 'Yes.' And then he was all, 'Whew!' and she was all, 'Oh my goodness!!'"

My apartment at Chowning Square in Nashville, TN, on Christmas Eve. Time is approximately 12:30pm.

Brad Eatherly
Audra Rosenbury
Aaron Rosenbury

So I thought we were getting together for a little gift exchange with our close friends, The Rosenburys. We love the Rosenburys! An excerpt from Brad's Flickr page explains further:

I proposed on Christmas Eve. I had Audra and Aaron come over under the guise of us exchanging gifts with them. Alicia thought it all very normal. Then I told her I had something for her since we normally open one gift on Christmas Eve. Her dog had chewed up her Bible so I bought her a new one with what will be her new name engraved on it (Alicia Eatherly). I tied the ring to the ribbon in the Bible. I had to pry her hands off her face with a crowbar to pop the question.

Awww. I've copied a few pics below. For a whopping 31 pics of our engagement, visit Brad's Flickr page. 31 flavors and then some. Look around. You'll enjoy the pics of all his travels and ancestors.

Enjoying opening our new card and board games. Clueless.

Holding steady at clueless:

Starting to get it:

At some point I opted for the traditional Chinese bow while Brad opted for the left-right fake:

Brad's accomplices and fellow cast members (and our dear friends!), Aaron & Audra Rosenbury:

They also got the whole thing on video. Click here to be redirected to youtube to view it. don't necessarily need to see all that? You're in the middle of something already? Cool. I totally get it and am right there with you. No worries. Just read my one concluding thought below (and buy all of their albums):

"Always remember there is nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name."
-The Avett Brothers

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where'd The Time Go??

"...I said to Hollywood, 'Where'd he go?' Hollywood said, 'Where'd who go?'..." Name that movie. Come on...just try.

Well I can't believe it's been NINE months since I've blogged. Seriously, where did the time go? I mean...quite a few bloggable happenings and one major, blog-worthy life event has taken place since last September. I started this blog to post pics from our trip to Europe last summer. Then I posted a few more things. Then I stopped. Now I'm starting again. I'll try to just hit the high points until I catch up! So...

September '09.
Alicia quits job. Actually, that is incorrect. Alicia quits job in June '09. Alicia's last day at Sony Music Entertainment is September 18, 2009. Longest notice in the history of the American job. Maybe. Maybe not. I love the music industry, but it took me a long time to get the nerve up to quit. I needed to quit the business side so that I could begin to work on the side that I actually love. The music side of the music business. Which is, in fact, still business. So since September, I have been watching small children and writing songs and playing my guitar and watching small children and playing my guitar and writing songs. And watching children. Music was (and still is) the plan. The plan grew a bit in December when Brad asked me to marry him. are a few of the fun things that happened post-Sony and pre-engagement:

Went to Atlanta to see this guy:
I technically went to see Sir Paul just before I left Sony, but I don't think you can really leave Macca out. That's just not right.

Nana turned 86 and visited with her long-time friend, Mabel, at her birthday party:
Nana is on the right...they were so cute...just chattering away!

The Harvey family grew and welcomed little Lennox Jude on October 2nd:
Big sister & brother, Presleigh Nicole (5) and Hendrix Matthew (2), are SO sweet to baby Lennox!

Copper & Libby played and played and played:

I went to the Franklin Fall Festival with Ariel (Presleigh's favorite):

And then December rolled around and this guy asked me to marry him:
Stay tuned.